Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 5 (1st day of Session 2)

Last week we continued talking about keeping warm - especially as the air continues to grow colder!  We read The Hat by Jan Brett & talked about pulling out our winter clothing.  Wool carding continues, and we also had a birthday& some watercolor painting :0)  Josie had a cough & Ben was very tired so they stayed home with Papa Jarvis - and Mandolin was at home enjoying her new baby brother!  Smaller group this week but still very wonderfully busy....
Ezra comes a bit early since we pick him up on our way to preschool - I think he likes having the place mostly to himself!

What a wonderful corner to snuggle up & read! Thank you Love family for letting us borrow the book shelf and 'fairy bower'!

I have mixed feelings about having that big desk in our room; I love that the children can look outside, but I feel like it is too high up w/out rails.  So far they have been great about being careful & not jumping off  though :0)

Isaac & Rachel are helping to take the seeds out of the sunflower so we can feed them to the birds this winter...did some come home in their pockets, too?

Silas is preparing a nutritious snack :0)

Ezra is getting this wool really soft & fuzzy....

Happy 7th birthday, Ella!  Yes, we fit 7 candles on a rice krispie treat!
Ella thought the candles would glow better if we turned off the lights :0)

Everyone still loves our playground, despite it's age ;0)  But guess what??  The church is putting in a new playground soon!  How exciting!

Peek-a-boo Ezra!

Built in balance beams

Gigi getting a friendly push from Isaac

Strong Silas almost to the top!

Love that smile!

Jump Rachel!
Several of us were really into partner painting last week :0)
We started sewing our own mittens!

Watch out for the hunters, Gigi!
Another doe!
Yes, we're having fun with the camera on my new phone ;0)
A bit of watercolor on a cloudy day

Loving this!!
Can you tell deer season is getting close??
Ella the doe
Ella giving me a heart-attack....ahhh!

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