Sunday, May 24, 2015

Closing down for awhile!

If you've been following along on our playschool adventure, you may wonder what has been happening since the last post in NOVEMBER??!  Well, I was really sick, then our new baby arrived in January, we were in Florida in March, and we had some play dates at Countryside in April & May :0)  I thought I would have the energy to keep up our play dates about every other week through the summer & then start Countryside up again in the fall, but I do not.  Our 5th precious little one will probably be 3 before I consider opening again, but that is ok - I have LOVED this - but - it is time for me to just focus on my family & the 3 R's.  Josie is reading well even with our hit & miss schedule this past school year & Ben is coming along great & is very motivated to do whatever his big sis is doing.  Baby Malachi is just starting to get into a bit of a routine, but sleep is often lacking for me & Papa J!

I have sold almost everything already, but here are a few pics of random things I still have for sale:
dishes, $3
Emmaljunga stroller, $50

little tykes picnic table, $5

Melissa & Doug floor puzzle, $3

paint cups lids & brushes set of 10 (I found the 9th cup but I am missing 1 cup & 3 brushes!), $5
Also, the red dish pans we used for cubbies, $1/each, I think there are 8 of them

Language Lessons for Little Ones (Queen Homeschool), $8

Mystery of History 1, $20

Let me know asap what you would like & I'll bring it to Quincy on Wednesday!  Thanks!


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