Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Attention former students!

YOU have first priority in re-enrollment!  Please contact me ASAP to reserve your spot - 7 are already filled!

Tuition is $12 per day & $10 for each sibling, with a $15 supply fee per family per 4 week session.  Choose a minimum of 4 days between June 9 & August 4 (except June 14) - we'll be meeting on both Wednesday & Friday this summer. The children will have a cooking class on Wednesdays to make their own lunch (included in tuition/supply fee) & bring a sack lunch on Fridays.  Children will rotate through 4 stations: Gardening/outside playtime, cooking/lunch, art lesson, & tinkerlab/sewing/games/lego etc.  The prek group will have their own classroom for tinkerlab & art.

Our son Zach & his wife Julia will be teaching the prek class ages 3-5, & I will teach the elementary group ages 6-10.  There's wiggle room in each group, but 2's may only come if a parent stays on site.

Zach with his little brothers!

Zach & Julia at their wedding last year

Our prek class will be in for a treat with these two on the team!  They babysit for the Quincy Classical Conversations group as well, & I'm told the children adore them :0)

Don't forget the Introduction Day on Wednesday, June 7!  It's a short tour & playtime - but if we're having too much fun we can stay longer :0)  We'll have some snacks & walk through both classrooms, kitchen/dining room, playground & garden.

Let me know if you have more questions, or email for a registration packet!

1 comment:

anubhavgupta said...

This is great stuff!! need share lots of articles for the reader who like your blog and thanks for sharing your ideas and tips.Minimum Age for PlaySchools