Friday, February 14, 2014

Week 4 - SNOW!

Finally a day with snow but warm enough to be open :0)  Our last day of the session was filled with cooking & sledding - so fun!  Now for a little 'spring break' for the Jarvis family & we'll be back mid-March in time for spring......
Chasing rainbows!  We told the story of Noah's Ark & then used a prism to make rainbows around the room (see the whitish blurb above & to the right of Josie & Kian's hands?)

Now it's on Kian's head ;0)

Here's Kian making rainbows....

Ruth liked the fairy village & home made fairies (Abbie made them about 10 or 12 years ago!)

Miss Jamie & Gigi making rainbows - what a gorgeous smile!

Days of Creation cards by Miss Shannon & Josie - we did these a couple of weeks ago - great visual for putting the days in order.  One of my favorite things is that plants were made & thriving before the sun was made!

Josie & Gigi cracking eggs for cornbread - we made it in an electric pot instead of an oven, similar to how "Ma" would have made it over the fire in the Little House on the Prairie books (we've been reading the series at home so thought it would be a fun alternative to using the big scary commercial oven at the church!).

Zach D. with Zach J's lego guys - not sure if they were playing in the fairy home or not??

Everyone seems to really love lego days - my Zach wanted to come play today too, & of course he still has all of his old legos!

Miss Jamie showing Rachel & Josie how to fill a paper w/ colors & then cover them w/ black.  Then you scratch a design or picture into it to reveal the colors underneath!

Ezra really loves those magnatiles - gift idea, Sarah!

Ella & Josie working together to build spaceships :0) 

Silas really likes legos, too - another gift idea?  When Zach first started getting interested in legos (around age 6 or 7) we tried keeping the 'sets' separate so he could put them back together.  Oh what a pain!  We soon learned to put them all in a bin & let him create from his imagination!

Even Kian had the dexterity to manipulate the tiny pieces - and who can't resist a big box of tiny parts?!  My Ben loves taking them apart but doesn't quite have the fine motor skills to do much with them yet.

Zach J. & Isaac working with the magnatiles

And sledding!  What a perfect hill & a perfect day :0)  I didn't hear "I'm cold" even one time!

Rachel the mountain climber!

Let's try a video....

Miss Jamie was very busy giving pushes :0)  Just so you all know, she is very awesome!!!

Rachel peeking out of a hole

Zach D. digging a new tunnel

Peek a boo Josie!
I'll keep in touch about our next session!  We'll miss you all!!
Miss Shannon & Miss Jamie

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