Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 4 - stay tuned for day 3 pics!

After the dentist visit last week we decided to talk more about bones! We took apart a skeleton & his squishy organs & had a blast trying to put all the pieces back together ;0)  Josie is showing Kai Kai, Isaac & Zach where the pizza goes after it leaves the stomach....

Miss Jamie tracing around Sofe so she can either add her bones & organs or her clothes!

Here's Emma making a skeleton out of q-tips & black play dough!

Ezra really loved this one, too - hope all that black comes off clothes & hands eventually.....

More squishy skeleton fun!  Isaac is showing just how elastic the intestines are - ewwww!!

Zach D. knows where everything goes :0)

Rachel adding clothes to her outline

Ben can't get enough of the picasso tiles & making roads these days

Gigi & Josie working on their outlines

Miss Jamie tracing around Allana

Sofe & Ezra really enjoyed tracing around the toys & other shapes

Zach S. also loves the Picasso Tiles - will we need another set??

Ruth & Ezra working with the playdough

Emma adding bones to her outline...

...& a backbone

Kate had JUST finished lining up the Lori train puzzle & putting in all the numbers!  I was too late for a picture of it but at least this reminds me what she was up to ;0)  Ezra added pegs to it when they got it all cleaned up...

Rachel & Allana's turn with Picasso Tiles

Ruth daydreaming :0)

Do you think Isaac can see me in 3-D??

Isaac & Kate working together to push the swing

Cattails are always a big hit this time of year - lots & lots of fluffy-ness!

Maybe Ruth was daydreaming about ladybugs?  There were a ton of them all over the playground this week...
Next week we'll begin our play group days - see previous post for details! 
Miss Shannon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Blog,Good to see kids enjoying every activity.Keep up the good work.
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